Podcast: The ADHD Adults

Episode 128 Hyperactivity and Impulsivity in Detail – The 9 Symptoms

The numbering system has now gone to pot, so Episode 129 of The ADHD Adults podcast covers the nine symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity in detail, giving examples of what they are. Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. Mrs ADHD enjoys ‘some parts’ of sexy times, James gets irritated by 'Barry from Suede' and…

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Episode 128 Attention in Detail – The 9 Symptoms of Inattentiveness

Episode 128 of The ADHD Adults podcast covers the nine symptoms of inattentiveness in detail, giving examples of what they are. Alex reads the usual 'definitely real' correspondence. Alex get’s Welsh wrong, 'James has a diagnostic screening radiation' and Mrs ADHD thinks her glasses are too good for her eyes… Written by Alex Conner, Samantha…

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Episode 127 The week in ADHD (35)

In Episode 127 of The ADHD Adults Podcast, Alex, James and Mrs ADHD expand on this week's theme of ADHD and decision making, answer questions from YOU, our listeners, and generally talk nonsense for ages. James get’s IKEA wrong, Mrs ADHD gets unrequested peas and Alex is addicted to online chess… Written by Alex Conner, Samantha…

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Episode 125 The week in ADHD 34

In Episode 125 of The ADHD Adults Podcast, Alex, James and Mrs ADHD expand on this week's theme of ADHD and borderline personality disorder, answer questions from YOU, our listeners, and generally talk nonsense for ages. Mrs ADHD instantly regrets imagining introducing her dad to the Merlin Bird ID app, Alex wants James to “choose both”…

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Episode 124 ADHD & Borderline Personality Disorder

Episode 124 of The ADHD Adults podcast sees our gormless hosts discuss the subject of ADHD and the 'other' BPD, borderline personality disorder. As usual, Alex the Psycho…….education Monkey spouts ear bangingly dull evidence of the subject, all three ADHD Adults give their personal reflections and then shuffle into some top tipping etc at the end….

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Episode 123 The week in ADHD (33)

In Episode 123 of The ADHD Adults Podcast, Alex, James and Mrs ADHD expand on this week's theme of ADHD and the 3 Ds (dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia), answer questions from YOU, our listeners, and generally talk nonsense for ages. James can’t sleep, Mrs ADHD causes a cherry juice calamity and Alex plays unhealthy chess… Written…

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Episode 122 ADHD and the 3 Ds

The Tech Guy is back on his game, so (should you want to) you can see all three hosts simultaneously… In Episode 122 of The ADHD Adults podcast, the subject of ADHD and the three Ds (dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia, AKA developmental coordination disorder) are covered. As usual, Alex the Psycho…….education Monkey delivers mournful science…

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Episode 121 The week in ADHD (32)

In Episode 121 Alex, James and Mrs ADHD expand on this week's theme of ADHD and PMDDr, answer questions from YOU, our listeners, and generally talk nonsense for ages. Mrs ADHD doesn’t get Jeremy, James rants about mental health (no change there then) and Alex hates to admit he took James’s advice… Support the podcast's designated…

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Episode 120 ADHD and PMDD

We have to hold our hands up for those watching the video version, The Tech Guy fucked up and used presenter view in Zoom so you can only see one face at a time… In Episode 120, The ADHD Adults discuss pre-menstrual issues including premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD, and their relationship with ADHD. As…

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Episode 119 The week in ADHD (31)

In Episode 119 almost certainly will appear on a Friday, Alex, James and Mrs ADHD expand on this week's theme of ADHD and bipolar disorder, answer questions from YOU, our listeners, and generally talk nonsense for ages. Mrs ADHD makes holes, James has a weed puller in his car and Alex struggles with a phone case……

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